• 32.4 million pregnant women suffer from anemia worldwide. • 50% cases of anemia are of iron deficiency anemia(IDA). Around 5,91,000 perinatal deaths and 1,15,000 maternal deaths are attributed globally to IDA, directly or indirectly.• In Southeast Asia, about half of global maternal deaths happen due to anemia.• India contributes to about 80% of the maternal death due to anemia in South Asia.• IDA during pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight(LBW), preterm birth, poor Apgar score and perinatal as well as maternal mortality.• There is an imminent need to screen every pregnant woman for anemia and do early intervention to reduce maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality.To serve this purpose Mandrupkar Clinics Center for Health Skills (MCCHS), Islampur, Dist-Sangli has developed CROSS 11, a mobile app in the service to the nation for Anemia Mukta Bharat.